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 getftime()              Get File Date and Time

 #include   <io.h>

 int           getftime(handle,ftimep);
 int           handle;                   Handle associated with file
 struct ftime  *ftimep;                  Pointer to structure

    getftime() gets the file time and date for an open file associated
    with 'handle'.  'ftimep' points to the structure 'ftime', which is
    filled with the file's time and date, and is defined as:

          struct ftime  {
               unsigned ft_tsec:  5;         /* Two second increments */
               unsigned ft_min:   6;         /* Minutes */
               unsigned ft_hour:  5;         /* Hours */
               unsigned ft_day:   5;         /* Days */
               unsigned ft_month: 4;         /* Months */
               unsigned ft_year:  7;         /* Year minus 1980 */

       Returns:     0, if successful.  On error, -1 is returned, and
                    'errno' (defined in <errno.h>) is set to EINVFNC
                    (Invalid function number) or EBADF (Bad file number).

   Portability:     MS-DOS only.

See Also: fread() settime()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson